Sunday, April 19, 2009

Men are from Mars...Women are from...who knows?

Is there any doubt that women are from a whole different planet? I’m at Kroger the other day and I observe a young couple shopping…..A big goofy guy and a big goofy girl with three goofy kids circling the couple like so many hovercraft and making the rotation around the parents about every 5 seconds. It's Saturday afternoon and this poor fellow is having to go shopping with his wife and his offsprings. Okay, okay. I’m shopping at Kroger but I’m flying solo after volunteering to run out and pick up a few essentials and a couple of subway sandwiches. It’s too cold to be fishing. To cold and wet to go shoot something. You got basketball 24/7 all over the television airways and this girl turns to the guy and says in the sweetest, most innocent voice “Do want to pick up some beer?” Woman have to be from another planet, but I think Venus is way too close to what really goes on here on terra firma for the alien life form known as women to have any inkling or clue how things operate here in the real world.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

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