Saturday, February 21, 2009

Beale Street White Boy Blues

When I opened the Heartland Express terminal in Olive Branch, I was able to secure the services of one Jason Dart. Jason was a dispatcher in Iowa City and was ready for change. Other than being an excellent dispatcher, Jason was also almost (or may have been) a professional water skier. This is not small feat for someone from Iowa....A state that I consider to be part of the Artic some one can learn to ski....much less get very good at it in a place that only has one warm month out of the year...of course this is from the perspective of someone that has wintered every year in either Mississippi or Tennessee (save for my one winter in Iowa)..down here we might have one, maybe 2 months of cold weather....My last account had Jason working out of a Heartland terminal in Jacksonville, Florida...a much more sensible locale if you are a water skiing enthusiast...If you were looking for a poster boy for your typical corn fed Midwestern boy...Jason is it...Slender...pale...crew cut blond headed white boy. Jason jumped in and helped me get the Olive Branch terminal off to a roaring start. Paul Albers soon followed us from Iowa to round out our staff. We had a big boat of car shipped to us from Iowa City....A Chevy that was at least 15 years past it prime....on weekends I was running back home to Jackson TN...this weekend Paul was rotating back up to Iowa City, so Jason was on his on and hopped into the big Chevy and decided to check out Beale Street in Memphis.....He had no problem in locating Beale street, but cruising down Beale, someone cut him off and he took a side street. A couple of more bad turns and he was suddenly in a less desirably suburb of greater Memphis. Looking up in his rear view mirror, Jason saw the flashing blue lights of one of Memphis' finest. Jason pulled to the curb and big, very large black Memphis cop separated himself from his police cruiser and ambled up to Jason....."Officer, what have I done wrong?" Jason asked. The big black cop said "Well, well, well. Where shall I begin? Out of state plates. White boy behind the wheel. Bad part of town.....White boy...why don't you just follow me outta here?" As CSNY said, "If you want to sing the blues, you got to pay your dues".....but best not to do so on a side street off Beale Street.

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