Saturday, January 3, 2009


Carl handles our festive Christmas lunch at Milan Express...below is his sartical prove him to be the 2nd most satircal wit in the building, I composed the following reponses from the employees in the LRS division...

Subject: Christmas luncheon
We are scheduling our annual Christmas Luncheon for December 18, 2008 (Thursday). Please set aside this date for the meal and fellowship that we all enjoy for that brief hour once a year. I will advise time and menu at a later date. The menu hasn’t been set yet as we are still trying to decide upon Alaskan Salmon smoked on a cedar plank and served over a bed of wild rice with lemon butter artichoke medley, or pulled pork served on wonder bread with collard greens and black eyed peas. Carl

Carl's follow up to the initial invitation
I met with the caterer this morning to make sure the Salmon would arrive from Alaska via airfarce one as planned. During our planning session he had the bad manners to discuss price per serving which caused a severe case of STICKER SHOCK, so needless to say Salmon is off the menu – Ramen Noodles is on, (bring your own hot water). Just kidding…we will supply the water also, but I do need to get somewhat of a head count before I go to SAV-A-LOT for the noodles.

If you have other commitments for this date and will NOT be able to join us, please let me know as we don’t want to over book and waste food in a time when so many are in need.



Amy's Answer.
Carl...I can attend the Christmas Meal...I had planned to put my ruby red slippers on backwards and click them three times and go visit the guys....I found out the Scarecrow has gone out and gotten himself elected President or something....Lion is going to be SECDEF....Tinman was going to be Surgeon General...It breaks my heart....I talked to Tin and he's caught up in some kind of scandal with Chinese prisons that have been harvesting heart goes out to him...what could he have been thinking?...

Rachel's Reply
Carl...I can now attend the Christmas dinner...I thought I would be tied up with giving an uplifting talk to a self help group i was working with...I have been posting words of encouragements and doing some short essays on D&MRUS.COM (dwarfs and midgets). Stuff that will raise self people take the high ground...see the higher purpose...kind of set the bar a bit higher for people...Dang....i should never have added that link to my FaceBookPage...a picture of me doing a two hand slam up to my elbows to go to the finals the state basketball tournament might have been "over the top".

Fernando's Feedback
Dear Mr.. McDole
Of course I can attend your little Christmas Party. When I heard we was having Roman Numerals, I had to ask Mama what they was. Mama is a real nice lady and she said you probably meant Ramen noodles. Mama always has a real good way of explaining things to me. I'm glad you decided on noodles. I really like salmon..kinda reminds me of my shrimpin' days...but those cedar planks are chewy if you don't cook em' just right....yep, me and ramen noodles are like peas and carrots..Lieutent Dan said he will drive me up there..all the way from Greenbow Alabama.....Roman numerals...who would have my Mama always says, "You never know what you gonna get out of a Christmas dinner".

Joe's Rejoiner
Noodles? I'm down with that...salmon on a cedar plank? Main, I gets that two, three times a week at my crib....that stuff gets old...them side dishes of fish eggs...main...i can't even begin to spell pate' on a stick is whats we call it....noodles...oh, yeah...i'm ready for some ol' school......i'm all about that...noodles is where it's at...ramen noodles? that rocks...that's the bomb...set the table, ink me in....rings that dinner bell and set me up for a table for one....Noodles....word my brother....

Robert's Response
Triton and Dryads be praised.....Carl...I'm rejoicing that you've taken the salmon on cedar plank off the table for ourBold Christmas meal....Of course I will attend now....I was going to have to decline if a brother or sister of the ocean was served up on a slab of one of nature's silent forest sentinels....Mother nature, how could I ever hug another cedar tree if I attended our dinner with such dinner fare....Ramen noodles are the most politically correct cuisine you could have chosen...I can sleep in peace knowing that nothing that ever sprang from the soil to greet father sun, or trod the fair woodlands of mother earth go into making ramen noodles.

My Missive
I should be able to attend....the only complication would be the RSVP I received from Captain Kirk to dine on the Enterprise that day....unfortunately all correspondence with Scotty leads me to believe he will not have the transporter up and working by then.....Ramen noodles now looks to be my best bet...please add me to your list of people partaking of your eclectic (and may I say most frugal) menu...

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