Saturday, January 3, 2009


My boozy neighbor from down the street had a close encounter with the local criminal justice system probably have not heard of her...she is married to Red Devil who runs a reefer to and from he makes a living being gone only 4 days out of the week, I'll never know...but he sure has a lot of visitors come see him when he gets and trucks coming and going all hours of the day and night..I had a neighbor across the street like that...people were lined up trying to visit him...he finally cut some guy's head off, chained him up and chunked him in the Forked Deer...i'm guessing he still has a lot of vistors where he is now, but probably not as sociable....but that probably is another story.....My boozy neighbor lives down the street from me, and I don't get to listen to Red Devil's reefer unit run 3 or 4 days a week while he rests up before his next West Coast turn. Granted she is a social drinker in the morning, but she really gets after it when the noon day drinking lamp is lit.....yesterday as she came up the hill towards my house, she managed to fall off her luck would have it, there was a sheriff's deputy right way to verify the rumor that the horse was spooked by the radar gun and him hanging out the window with it....ever the diligent public servant, he packed my boozy neighbor in the back seat of the patrol car and drove her home...why he took her home instead of straight to the hoosegow has yet to be determined....also this law dog caught the only 6' - 7' 175 lb. 55 year old methhead in our neighborhood (the meth head lives a few doors down from my church which is 3 houses, one house trailer, 3 junk cars and a piano sitting in a front yard down from me)..he lives at home drawing his disability check with his mother and his 52 year brother....also, a methhead on disability, but not near as can't get them mixed up....anyway, John Law pressed the taller of the two methheads in to service and had him escort Trigger down back the street to his stall....he didn't attempt to ride Trigger as his feet would have dragged the> ground..... The only thing that could have been better would have been if my boozy neighbor had been riding her mule when she got throwed.....she has probably the only "free range" mule in Madison County, if not the state of Free Range, i mean this mule can come and go pretty much where he pleases..up and down Old Denmark in law's garden plot..pretty much any where..I'm told this mule is a charter member of "Mules Without Borders". The mule is of no great disturbance in my neighborhood until said mule gets after the "Free Range" goats that live across the street from my church... one of the goats was rasied up with a neighbor dog and slept with it at night...word has it they used to play in the yard and the pup and young goat would butt heads as goats will do...but to paraphrase Forrest, that's like a whole 'nuther" story....

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