Saturday, January 3, 2009


Subject: space-time continuum
I may have discovered how to suspend time and space and perhaps take a step towards immortality...first, it can only be done on December get an unopened 12 pack of miller it in the far recesses of your then chill it the point that it is barely above 32 degrees....then you load up the pathfinder with wife and a ton of Christmas gifts (and the 4 foot table from the Church...which you had to go back to the Church and swap out because you foolishly grabbed the 6 foot table the first time....what could I have been thinking?) and drive to your in laws and spend the evening with your wife's ENTIRE side of the family...her brothers & sister..their spouses...nieces, nephews..grand nephews...grand nieces...step grand nephews...step grand nieces (are there even such step relatives ?) heat the room to 85 degrees while you sit there in your "Irene Golf & Country Club" sweat shirt and watch the first "Spiderman" movie for the 5th time....a bright two kids, their spouses, one grandchild were also in attendance... and I really do like the Spiderman movies... but life does go on....I wake up at 3:30 Christmas Day...amble briskly to the mailbox this morning at 4:00 a.m.and pull out "88 minutes"......the neighbor's fool walker coon dog is barking it's fool head is good.
Merry Christmas to all... (I will report back...I plan to repeat this experiment in 364 days)

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